No shower? No problem. Tips for staying clean outdoors.

Dirty. Dirty camping. Dirty ground. Dirty public restroom. Dirty sweat.  Outdoor adventuring is anything but clean.

How do you keep up with your friends who never seem to mind getting grungy while still maintaining your precious beauty regimen? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you live your outdoor life clean:

  • A tower of towelettes: if I were only allowed one item in my fantasy stranded-on-an-island scenario, facial towelettes might be it. These things are ideal for cleaning your face and your sweaty parts (whatever those might be). I used to search out the sweetest smelling options but have since realized I like to go unscented when I'm outdoors. The scented versions just seem odd in such a natural environment. My favorite right now is Giovanni's Soothing Unscented Facial Cleansing Towelettes, but past favorites have been Burt's Bees' subtle White Tea scented towelettes. For heavy duty wipes ideal for all over cleaning try Nathan's Power Shower wipes.
  • Soak it up with dry shampoo: Ah, this stuff is heaven sent. I've got pretty fine hair that goes greasy, like, two seconds after I wash and dry, so dry shampoo helps me avoid looking like a wet dog on day two of outdoor adventuring. I've tried quite a few brands over the years - some are way too scented (lemon head) and others just leave your hair looking dullish and worse, sometimes witchy white-gray. Then I stumbled upon this great find - Alder Natural Hair Powder is a heathy alternative to other powders that won't leave your hair grey. Refinery 29 called it "the best natural hair powder on the market." It's got a subtle scent whether you choose lavender, eucalyptus, or bergamot. 
  • Water bath: When the swipe of a towelette just isn't enough to get clean try boiling some tap water in the morning and at night on your camp stove and clean your face at-home style with a washcloth and face soap. Nothing beats the feeling of hot, steamy wet washcloth in the morning.
  • Nail it: dirt finds its way under your nails no matter how hard you try to avoid it. Keep your digits nice and clean with this handy nail brush
  • Quarters: never leave them behind. Always keep a handful of quarters with you just in case you stumble upon some pay-showers. Here are a few must-haves when braving the public restrooms (some of which are totally impressive and clean, by the way): flip-flops, a shower caddy